-Quiets or smiles in response to sound or voice -Turns head towards sound or voice -Shows interest in faces -Makes eye contact -Cries differently for different needs -Coos and smiles
3 to 6 months of age
-Reacts to sudden noises or sounds -Listens and responds when spoken to or when name is called -Begins to use consonant sounds in babbling, e.g. “da, da, da ba,ba,ba" -Makes different kinds of sounds to express feels or needs -Notice that toys make sounds and work to engage that sound -Babbles to get attention
6 to 9 months of age
-Uses a variety of sounds and syllable combinations when babbling -Looks at familiar people, animals or toys when their name is called -Participates in two-way communication -Follows basic commands when paired with gestures like- "come here while putting hands out toward child" -Shows recognition of commonly used words -Starts to imitate sounds -Starts using simple gestures like shaking head for "no"
9 to 12 months of age
-Meaningful use of "mama and dada" -Long strings of gibberish in social communication -Says one or two words consistently -Imitates speech sounds -Babbling has sounds and rhythms of speech -Pays attention to where someone is looking and pointing -Responds to "NO" -Uses hand movements to communicate wants and needs
12 to 18 months of age
By 15 Months - Uses 5-10 words consistently -Combines words and gestures -Imitates simple words and gestures -Consistently follows simple directions -Shows interest in pictures -Can identify one to two body parts when named -Understands about 50 words
By 18 months -Responds to quetions -Repeats words overheard in conversation -Continues to produce speech-link babbling -Points to familiar people and objects in pictures -Understands "in" and "on" -Responds to yes/no questions with a head shake or nod
18 to 24 months of age
By 21 months -Uses at least 50 words -Imitates new words consistently -Names objects and pictures -Understands simple pronouns like me, you, my -Identifies 3-5 body parts when named -Understands new words quickly
By 24 months -Begins to use 2 word phrases -Uses simple pronouns like me, you, my -Understands action words -Uses gestures and words during pretend play -Follows two step related commands such as "pick up your socks and bring them to me" -Enjoys listening to stories